One baby step closer to my dream!

May 29, 2014

I have been reluctant if I'm going to join this "Wear my Design Contest" by Ensembles. Can I make a great design? What if I fail? There's so many great designers out there? Will this contest affect my brand negatively, because I'd have to solicit votes? The list of petty excuses goes on. But 50% of me I felt that I like to joined the contest. I just felt excited to join. Maybe if I win, I'll have 2 to 3 more Facebook followers. It's just so thrilling to join a contest. I've always been so indecisive but in the end, I decided to join anyway.

I know myself so much that I will have second thoughts and doubts during the contest. So to prevent myself from that, I'll just make myself busy soliciting votes from strangers. 

So it would be epic if you'd help me relieve my anxiety. Your one vote will give me one less reason to be scared.
Follow these steps to vote for my dress:
1. Like Ensembles on Facebook.
2. Go to their "Wear my design" App.
3. Vote for "Impervious" by Alyssa Mae de Guzman

Vote for my friend too! “Dispersion” by Ben Inocentes.

And if you're even more kinder than I'd thought, you can hit share button and tell all your friends about this.

Comment down below if you voted, so I'd know who you are.


Tell me what you think.